“Voice, taste, trust and scarcity” – Kyle Chayka (One Thing)

“In the social-media era, websites and article formats became more generic in order to fit in the templates of feeds and search results. I think in the near future we’ll see more differentiated websites and presentations, not in a scroll-y HTML5 way but the sense of new interactions and bespoke interfaces. My experience of the NYT should be very different than the Washington Post, and not just in the sense of two different iPhone apps. Scarcity is value that someone — consumers and / or advertisers — will pay for”


“Welcome to the twilight of Big Tax” – Boondoggle

“So a little public money on the front end could save a lot of money and eliminate a lot of corporate extraction on the back end. Tax prep is one of those areas in which the long, neoliberal push away from public goods really hurt society, on both fairness and cost; what should be a niche industry catering to people with truly complicated tax situations instead became a functional extension of the government, with a complicated and easily abused qualifying process leading to heaps of waste”


“Where the f— is this supposed to be” – Robin Sloan

“As a reader, I can get over this. I have done so many times — easily, eagerly. Prydain, Krynn, whatever The Wheel of Time’s world is called … I’m game. I’ll admit, I appreciate it when writers knit their creations into the skein of reality — I’m thinking of Philip Pullman, his matrix of worlds — but if a nonsensical premise opens the door to something fun and interesting, well, great.

It turns out my charity does not extend to myself. As a writer, I cannot, in fact, get over it. This was a surprising discovery, and a vexing one, because I have long coveted the pleasures and possibilities of the fantasy mode.

Many times I sat and schemed, sketched and dreamed, and every time I hit the same wall. The same question. Where the f —  is this supposed to be?”


“The Rot-com Bubble” – Ed Zitron

“The tech industry can no longer rely on the idea that every year (or couple of years) somebody will find an idea that will create 200 more startups or trillions of dollars in market capitalization. It must reconfigure both venture capital investment and public tech companies to a more sustainable, profitable and useful model where — get this — existing products are made better and more profitable with the understanding that we’re approaching Max Internet, and that products cannot be built with the assumption that more and more users will always exist”


“The Complex Problem of Lying for Jobs” – Ludicity

“You meditate, reflect, do self-work, speak to professionals and the like because you don’t want to be a monkey that treats the people closest to you based on whatever the monkey-brain decides its immediate ego needs are, and then you realize that most people are fully in the grips of monkey-brain. You just throw a banana in the cage and slam the door shut behind them”


“The ‘24 Election and Institutional Change” – Matt Glassman

“But make no mistake, the current filibuster practices in the Senate—in which the minority filibusters literally everything—are not a stable equilibrium. And honestly, they’ve only been around since 2010. I expect them to fall sooner or later. Now, the Senate can stay irrational perhaps longer than you can stay sane. But the rise of the hot-blooded social issues may just be the key ingredient to push a unified government to take the plunge”


“The Most Interesting Uninteresting Thing” – Jason Scott

“And now, one version of a type of software that has been around for a long time is suddenly on everyone’s minds. It’s being used to make a variety of toys. A number of people are hooking those toys up to heart machines and bombs. And I’m fifty years old and I get to watch it all with a pleasant cola in my hand.

I’m profoundly cynical but I’m not generally apocalyptic. For me, what’s being called “Artificial Intelligence” and all the more reasonable non-anthropomorphizing terms is just a new nutty set of batch scripts, except this time folks are actually praying to them. That’s high comedy”


“Antitrust Enforcers to Break Up Ticketmaster and End the “Ticketmaster Tax” – Matt Stoller

“To Wall, it’s beyond comprehension that antitrust enforcers might not actually believe what businessmen are telling them. And any attempt to address a corporation that everyone hates is simply a “populist urge that simply rejects how antitrust law works.” And in contrast to the crazy lunatics today, Wall says, “The Obama Administration saw things differently.” Wall even cites antitrust scholar Herb Hovenkamp’s treatise that these kinds of corporations are usually lawful, though Hovenkamp himself said the case is solid”


“How to get rich with non-fiction” – SHuSH

“Ben & David do bring additional research: magazine articles, annual reports, and sometimes notes from conversations with people who worked at or invested in the companies under discussion. And some of their episodes are about companies that haven’t been written up in books, in which case the guys tend to rely on magazine, newspaper articles, and tech blogs. But more often than not, the substance of an Acquired episode is somebody’s book supplemented by Wikipedia. In a sober moment, Ben admitted: “Acquired has an opportunity in the world because people don’t read books. And we just go read books and tell people about them.”

So the essence of Acquired’s schtick is exploiting analog media for a digital audience. Ben & David summarize and riff off great nonfiction by serious historians and business journalists who’ve put ten thousand hours into their books”


“May 23, 2024” – Letters from an American

“Today, by a vote of 6–3, the Supreme Court overturned the lower court’s decision and signed off on the new South Carolina congressional map that dilutes Black votes. It approved the map because, it said, the gerrymander was politically, rather than racially, motivated. And, it said, “as far as the Federal Constitution is concerned, a legislature may pursue partisan ends when it engages in redistricting.”
